Special culture talk with Mizuho Akiyama on Sun 4th Feb on Setsubun
Our lovely cultural talker Mizuho is back to give us more interesting lecture about Japanese traditional ceremony called "Setsubun!!" Lecture is given in both Japanese and English. Limited availability, please book your seat! 東洋において季節の節目は、陰と陽が交わるとき。古くからこの日は、邪気を祓う様々な祭祀が執り行われてきました。 特に陰から陽へ、冬から春へ向かう節分は、 新しい春を清らかな心で迎えるために、古く穢れたものを鬼を見立てて祓い、身の回りを浄めます。 行事に用いるものや食するものには全て意味があります。宇宙の法則を用いた思想から生まれる慣習は奥深く、またそれが日本の文化でどのように展開してきたのか、恵方巻き作りと豆まき体験を通して分かち合いたいと思います。 時間 14:00〜16:00 費用 大人25ポンド 学生22ポンド お子様12ポンド 3歳以下無料 お味噌汁、恵方巻き、お茶をお出しします。 要予約 メール bookings@nanasfoods.co.uk 電話 01926311323 In the Far East, amidst the change in season, it is time when Yin and Yang meet each other. Since ancient times, this was revered as a ceremonial day to cleanse negative spirits from ones self. Especially on the day of "Setsubun" where the season goes from Yin to Yang; from winter to spring, we expel the "Oni" (demon) which represents things that are old and impure to cleanse ourselves so that we can enter the spring with a fresh pure mind. Everything we use or eat for the ceremony has a certain meaning. Spechal practices are deeply rooted in the notions drawn from the rules of the universe, and throughout this "Ehomaki and Mamemaki workshop" we would like to share with you how they have expanded in the Japanese culture. Time 14:00-16:00 Price Adults £25 Students £22 Children £12 Children under 3years old for free Included: Ehomaki(Setsubun rolled sushi), Miso soup, tea/coffee. Booking essential: email bookings@nanasfoods.co.uk phone 01926311323